Vision & Mission

We are a small, specialized firm of assisting a select portfolio of clients interested in leveraging modern accounting technologies to enhance their success and work/life balance. Our goal is to provide you with actionable profitability reporting, income report packaging, and insightful 21st century bookkeeping and profitability services at a fair rate.

Your success is important to us. We believe in working together towards success and we strive to build lasting relationships with our clients.

Believe it or not, talking with businesses about their numbers gets us excited!

We like to think that our own love for tracking money invigorates others to become more financially fit. We all want to be fiscally fit — but most of us have learned to think of money as something dry and painful.

At Sage, we've unlearned that way of thinking, to embrace the freedom and time dividends that efficient fiscal management bestows on savvy owners and managers — and we can help you do that, too.

These are some of the benefits you can expect by becoming a Sage client:

  • Security and piece of mind knowing your accounts are current

  • Guaranteed privacy and confidentiality

  • Reduced stress from financial management so your company accounting is more efficient

  • Accounting simplicity and clarity

  • Efficient processing and reduced tax accounting expenses

  • Confidence in your fiscal decision making processes

  • Comfort with your IRS compliance status

Imagine connecting with a 21st century bookkeeping company and painting a picture of where you see your company going…

Now imagine them seeing your vision through the lens of Intuit’s remarkable QuickBooks Online AI integrated accounting software implementing financial compliance and reporting capabilities you didn't even know existed — showing you which habits to tweak in order to make your vision a reality — and offering to take the bigger or more tedious financial reporting items off your plate…

If you’d like to book a complimentary hour for a clarifying consult that we’re sure you will find to be a pleasant exercise in perspective and prioritization — let’s get together…

Our typical client profile:

We take our professional commitments very seriously. In order to successfully offer the most fulfilling, productive, and profitable services to our clients, it is imperative to have an efficient and professionally collaborative relationship. Our evolution over the years has identified a general model of the qualities which result in the optimal ROI and most rewarding gains in revenue, profitability, and fiscal health.

Our clients share the following qualities:

  • They care about their business finances and want to collaborate and evolve towards efficacy and peace of mind.

  • They are organized and share in the satisfaction of the timely exchange of important information.

  • They have been in business at least two years and have a minimum annual gross revenue of $250,000 and net revenue of $100,000.

  • We share a common basis of honest and ethical business practices.

Why outsource your bookkeeping?

There are two ways to look at this…

One, life is short. There are a thousand things you could be doing that you find more engaging than organizing receipts. In fact, there are a thousand things you could be doing — just in your business — that make better use of your talents.

A good bookkeeper can free up that time.

And two, life is short!  Think of all the things you still want to do…

A good bookkeeper can find the monetary opportunities in your current venture to expand your options.

More money means more freedom to implement innovation and expand the vision…